LoRaWAN-X Unit
Unit LoRaWAN-X is a LoRaWAN communication module based on LoRa technology, specifically designed for those frequency band. The module adopts the STM32WLE5 solution, supporting long-range communication with low power consumption and high sensitivity characteristics. The module integrates the LoRaWAN protocol stack and supports three operating modes: Class A, Class B, and Class C. It also supports point-to-point (P2P) communication mode and uses a UART communication interface (controlled by the AT command set) for flexible configuration.
Support the following products:
Micropython LoRaWAN-CN470 LoRaWAN OTAA Mode Example:
1# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 M5Stack Technology CO LTD 2# 3# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT 4 5import os, sys, io 6import M5 7from M5 import * 8from unit import LoRaWANUnit_RUI3 9import time 10 11 12title0 = None 13label2 = None 14label0 = None 15label1 = None 16lorawancn470_0 = None 17 18 19def setup(): 20 global title0, label2, label0, label1, lorawancn470_0 21 22 M5.begin() 23 Widgets.fillScreen(0x222222) 24 title0 = Widgets.Title( 25 "LoRaWAN OTAA CoreS3 Example", 3, 0xFFFFFF, 0x0000FF, Widgets.FONTS.DejaVu18 26 ) 27 label2 = Widgets.Label( 28 "LoRa Message Rec:", 1, 172, 1.0, 0xFFFFFF, 0x222222, Widgets.FONTS.DejaVu18 29 ) 30 label0 = Widgets.Label( 31 "LoRa Network Join status:", 1, 68, 1.0, 0xFFFFFF, 0x222222, Widgets.FONTS.DejaVu18 32 ) 33 label1 = Widgets.Label( 34 "LoRa Message Send status:", 1, 121, 1.0, 0xFFFFFF, 0x222222, Widgets.FONTS.DejaVu18 35 ) 36 37 lorawancn470_0 = LoRaWANUnit_RUI3(2, port=(1, 2)) 38 lorawancn470_0.set_network_mode(1) 39 lorawancn470_0.set_otaa_config("xxxxx", "xxxxx", "xxxxx") 40 lorawancn470_0.set_channel_mask("0400") 41 lorawancn470_0.set_rx_delay_on_window1(1) 42 lorawancn470_0.set_rx_delay_on_window2(2) 43 lorawancn470_0.set_rx_data_rate_on_windows2(0) 44 lorawancn470_0.set_lorawan_node_class("C") 45 lorawancn470_0.join_network(0) 46 47 48def loop(): 49 global title0, label2, label0, label1, lorawancn470_0 50 M5.update() 51 label0.setText( 52 str((str("LoRa Network Join status:") + str((lorawancn470_0.get_join_state())))) 53 ) 54 if lorawancn470_0.get_join_state(): 55 label1.setText( 56 str( 57 ( 58 str("LoRa Message Send status:") 59 + str((lorawancn470_0.send_data(1, "aabbcc", 6000))) 60 ) 61 ) 62 ) 63 label2.setText(str((str("LoRa Message Rec:") + str((lorawancn470_0.get_last_receive()))))) 64 time.sleep(6) 65 66 67if __name__ == "__main__": 68 try: 69 setup() 70 while True: 71 loop() 72 except (Exception, KeyboardInterrupt) as e: 73 try: 74 from utility import print_error_msg 75 76 print_error_msg(e) 77 except ImportError: 78 print("please update to latest firmware")
Micropython LoRaWAN-CN470 P2P Mode TX Example:
1# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 M5Stack Technology CO LTD 2# 3# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT 4 5import os, sys, io 6import M5 7from M5 import * 8from unit import LoRaWANUnit_RUI3 9import time 10 11 12title0 = None 13label0 = None 14lorawancn470_0 = None 15 16 17def setup(): 18 global title0, label0, lorawancn470_0 19 20 M5.begin() 21 Widgets.fillScreen(0x222222) 22 title0 = Widgets.Title( 23 "LoRaWAN P2P Send CoreS3 e.g.", 3, 0xFFFFFF, 0x0000FF, Widgets.FONTS.DejaVu18 24 ) 25 label0 = Widgets.Label( 26 "P2P Message Send State:", 3, 115, 1.0, 0xFFFFFF, 0x222222, Widgets.FONTS.DejaVu18 27 ) 28 29 lorawancn470_0 = LoRaWANUnit_RUI3(2, port=(1, 2)) 30 lorawancn470_0.set_network_mode(0) 31 lorawancn470_0.set_p2p_frequency(470000000) 32 lorawancn470_0.set_p2p_spreading_factor(7) 33 lorawancn470_0.set_p2p_bandwidth(0) 34 lorawancn470_0.set_p2p_tx_power(14) 35 lorawancn470_0.set_p2p_code_rate(0) 36 lorawancn470_0.set_p2p_preamble_length(8) 37 lorawancn470_0.set_p2p_sync_word(0xFFFF) 38 39 40def loop(): 41 global title0, label0, lorawancn470_0 42 M5.update() 43 label0.setText( 44 str( 45 ( 46 str("P2P Message Send State:") 47 + str((lorawancn470_0.send_p2p_data("M5", timeout=1000, to_hex=True))) 48 ) 49 ) 50 ) 51 time.sleep(3.5) 52 53 54if __name__ == "__main__": 55 try: 56 setup() 57 while True: 58 loop() 59 except (Exception, KeyboardInterrupt) as e: 60 try: 61 from utility import print_error_msg 62 63 print_error_msg(e) 64 except ImportError: 65 print("please update to latest firmware")
Micropython LoRaWAN-CN470 P2P Mode RX Example:
1# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 M5Stack Technology CO LTD 2# 3# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT 4 5import os, sys, io 6import M5 7from M5 import * 8from unit import LoRaWANUnit_RUI3 9import time 10 11 12title0 = None 13label0 = None 14lorawancn470_0 = None 15 16 17def setup(): 18 global title0, label0, lorawancn470_0 19 20 M5.begin() 21 Widgets.fillScreen(0x222222) 22 title0 = Widgets.Title( 23 "LoRaWAN P2P Rec CoreS3 e.g.", 3, 0xFFFFFF, 0x0000FF, Widgets.FONTS.DejaVu18 24 ) 25 label0 = Widgets.Label( 26 "P2P Message Rec:", 3, 115, 1.0, 0xFFFFFF, 0x222222, Widgets.FONTS.DejaVu18 27 ) 28 29 lorawancn470_0 = LoRaWANUnit_RUI3(2, port=(1, 2)) 30 lorawancn470_0.set_network_mode(0) 31 lorawancn470_0.set_p2p_frequency(470000000) 32 lorawancn470_0.set_p2p_spreading_factor(7) 33 lorawancn470_0.set_p2p_bandwidth(0) 34 lorawancn470_0.set_p2p_tx_power(14) 35 lorawancn470_0.set_p2p_code_rate(0) 36 lorawancn470_0.set_p2p_preamble_length(8) 37 lorawancn470_0.set_p2p_sync_word(0xFFFF) 38 39 40def loop(): 41 global title0, label0, lorawancn470_0 42 M5.update() 43 label0.setText( 44 str((str("P2P Message Rec:") + str((lorawancn470_0.get_p2p_receive_data(3000, True))))) 45 ) 46 time.sleep(3.5) 47 48 49if __name__ == "__main__": 50 try: 51 setup() 52 while True: 53 loop() 54 except (Exception, KeyboardInterrupt) as e: 55 try: 56 from utility import print_error_msg 57 58 print_error_msg(e) 59 except ImportError: 60 print("please update to latest firmware")
UIFLOW2 LoRaWAN-CN470 LoRaWAN OTAA Mode Example:
UIFLOW2 LoRaWAN-CN470 P2P Mode TX Example:
UIFLOW2 LoRaWAN-CN470 P2P Mode RX Example:
class LoRaWAN_X
- class LoRaWAN_X(id, tx, rx, debug)
Initialize the LoRaWAN_X module by setting up UART communication with the specified parameters.
- Parameters:
id – The UART ID used for communication.
tx – The UART TX pin.
rx – The UART RX pin.
debug (bool) – Enables debug mode to log additional details, default is False.
- LoRaWAN_X.set_abp_config(dev_addr, apps_key, nwks_key)
Configure the device for ABP (Activation By Personalization) mode using the provided device address, application session key, and network session key.
- Parameters:
- LoRaWAN_X.get_abp_config()
Retrieve the current ABP configuration, including the device address, application session key, and network session key.
- Returns:
A tuple containing the device address, application session key, and network session key. Returns None or False for missing or invalid configurations.
- LoRaWAN_X.set_otaa_config(device_eui, app_eui, app_key)
Configure the device for OTAA (Over-The-Air Activation) mode using the provided device EUI, application EUI, and application key.
- Parameters:
device_eui – The device EUI for OTAA configuration.
app_eui – The application EUI for OTAA configuration.
app_key – The application key for encryption.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_otaa_config()
Retrieve the current OTAA configuration, including the device EUI, application key, and application EUI.
- Returns:
A tuple containing the device EUI, application key, and application EUI.
- LoRaWAN_X.send_cmd(cmd, have_return, is_single, async_event, timeout)
Sends an AT command to the module and optionally reads the response.
- Parameters:
cmd – The AT command string to send.
have_return (bool) – Specifies whether to read a response from the module.
is_single (bool) – Indicates if the command expects a single-line response.
async_event (bool) – Specifies whether to handle asynchronous events.
timeout (int) – The timeout duration in milliseconds for receiving a response, default is 100ms.
- Returns:
The processed response from the module or None if no response is expected.
- LoRaWAN_X.read_response(cmd, is_single, async_event, timeout)
Reads and processes the module response to an AT command.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
True if the response is valid and matches a single-line expectation.
A processed response string when CMD+RESPONSE is received.
An event response string if async_event is enabled and an event is detected.
False if no valid response is received or an error occurs.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_commuinication_state()
Checks the communication state by sending the AT command and expecting a response.
- Returns:
The response from the module indicating the communication state.
- LoRaWAN_X.reset_module()
Resets the module using the ATZ command.
- LoRaWAN_X.reset_module_to_default()
Resets the module to its default settings using the ATR command. Waits for the reset process to complete.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_serial_number()
Retrieves the serial number of the module.
- Returns:
The serial number as a string.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_fireware_version()
Retrieves the firmware version of the module.
- Returns:
The firmware version as a string.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_at_version()
Retrieves the AT command version supported by the module.
- Returns:
The AT command version as a string.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_hardware_version()
Retrieves the hardware version of the module.
- Returns:
The hardware version as a string.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_hardware_id()
Retrieves the hardware ID of the module.
- Returns:
The hardware ID as a string.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_ble_mac()
Retrieves the Bluetooth MAC address of the module.
- Returns:
The BLE MAC address as a string.
- LoRaWAN_X.set_sleep_time(time)
Configures the sleep time for the module. If no time is provided, the module enters sleep mode.
- Parameters:
time – The sleep duration in seconds. If None, triggers sleep mode without specifying a duration.
- Returns:
True if the command is successfully sent, else False.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_low_power_mode()
Checks if the module is in low-power mode.
- Returns:
True if low-power mode is enabled, otherwise False.
- LoRaWAN_X.set_low_power_mode(mode)
Sets the module low-power mode.
- Parameters:
mode (bool) – A boolean value indicating whether to enable (True) or disable (False) low-power mode.
- Returns:
True if the command is successfully sent, else False.
- LoRaWAN_X.set_baud_rate(rate)
Sets the baud rate for UART communication.
- Parameters:
rate – The desired baud rate value.
- Returns:
True if the command is successfully sent, else False.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_baud_rate()
Retrieves the current UART baud rate setting.
- Returns:
The baud rate as an integer.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_device_eui()
Retrieves the Device EUI for OTAA (Over-The-Air Activation) mode.
- Returns:
The Device EUI as a string.
- LoRaWAN_X.set_device_eui(eui)
Configures the Device EUI for OTAA mode.
- Parameters:
eui (str) – The Device EUI to set, as a string.
- Returns:
True if the command is successfully sent, else False.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_app_eui()
Retrieves the Application EUI for OTAA mode.
- Returns:
The Application EUI as a string.
- LoRaWAN_X.set_app_eui(eui)
Configures the Application EUI for OTAA mode.
- Parameters:
eui (str) – The Application EUI to set, as a string.
- Returns:
True if the command is successfully sent, else False.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_app_key()
Retrieves the Application Key for OTAA mode.
- Returns:
The Application Key as a string.
- LoRaWAN_X.set_app_key(key)
Configures the Application Key for OTAA mode.
- Parameters:
key (str) – The Application Key to set, as a string.
- Returns:
True if the command is successfully sent, else False.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_device_address()
Retrieves the device address.
- Returns:
The device address as a string.
- LoRaWAN_X.set_device_address(address)
Sets the device address.
- Parameters:
address (str) – The device address to set, provided as a string.
- Returns:
The application session key as a string.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_apps_key()
Retrieves the application session key.
- Returns:
The result of the AT command execution
- LoRaWAN_X.set_apps_key(key)
Sets the application session key. This operation is applicable only in ABP mode.
- Parameters:
key (str) – The application session key to set, provided as a string.
- Returns:
The network session key as a string.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_networks_key()
Retrieves the network session key.
- Returns:
The result of the AT command execution
- LoRaWAN_X.set_networks_key(key)
Sets the network session key. This operation is applicable only in ABP mode.
- Parameters:
key (str) – The network session key to set, provided as a string.
- Returns:
The result of the AT command execution
- LoRaWAN_X.set_network_id(id)
Sets the network ID.
- Parameters:
id (str) – The network ID to set, provided as a string.
- Returns:
The network ID as a string.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_network_id()
Retrieves the network ID.
- Returns:
The multicast root key as a string.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_mc_root_key()
Retrieves the multicast root key.
- Returns:
True if confirmation mode is enabled; otherwise, False.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_confirm_mode()
Retrieves the confirmation mode.
- Returns:
The result of the AT command execution
- LoRaWAN_X.set_confirm_mode(mode)
Sets the confirmation mode.
- Parameters:
mode (bool) – A boolean indicating whether to enable (True) or disable (False) confirmation mode.
- Returns:
True if the last confirmed uplink succeeded; otherwise, False.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_confirm_state()
Retrieves the status of the last confirmed uplink.
- Returns:
A tuple containing state, auto_join, retry_interval, and max_retry as integers, or False if retrieval failed.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_join_config()
Retrieves the current join configuration for LoRa.
- Returns:
True if the module successfully joins the network, otherwise False
- LoRaWAN_X.set_join_config(state, auto_join, retry_interval, max_retry, timeout)
Configures the join parameters for LoRa. The configuration does not confirm network join success.
- Returns:
True if the command is successfully set, else False.
- Parameters:
state (int) – The join state to configure, as an integer.
auto_join (int) – The auto-join flag, as an integer.
retry_interval (int) – The interval between join retries, default is 8 seconds.
max_retry (int) – The maximum number of retries, default is 0 (no limit).
timeout (int) – The timeout duration in milliseconds for the command, default is 8000ms.
- Returns:
The join mode as an integer (0 for ABP, 1 for OTAA).
- LoRaWAN_X.join_network(timeout)
Joins the LoRa network using predefined join parameters.
- Parameters:
timeout (int) – The timeout duration in milliseconds for the join command, default is 8000ms.
- Returns:
True if the command is successfully set, else False.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_join_mode()
Retrieves the current join mode. 0 indicates ABP mode, 1 indicates OTAA mode.
- Returns:
True if joined, otherwise False.
- LoRaWAN_X.set_join_mode(mode)
Sets the join mode for the LoRa module.
- Parameters:
mode (int) – The join mode to set, 0 for ABP or 1 for OTAA.
- Returns:
The received data as a string.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_join_state()
Checks whether the module has successfully joined the network. 1 indicates joined, 0 indicates not joined.
- Returns:
True if the data was sent successfully, otherwise False.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_last_receive()
Retrieves the data from the last received message.
- Returns:
True if the data was sent successfully, otherwise False.
- LoRaWAN_X.send_data(port, data, timeout)
Sends data through a specific port.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
True if the command is successfully set, else False.
- LoRaWAN_X.send_long_data(port, ack, data, timeout)
Sends long data through a specific port with optional acknowledgment.
- Parameters:
- Returns:
The retry cycle value as an integer.
- LoRaWAN_X.set_retry(retry)
Configures the retry cycle for transmissions.
- Parameters:
retry (int) – The retry cycle value, ranging from 0 to 7, default is 0.
- Returns:
True if the command is successfully set, else False.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_retry()
Retrieves the current retry cycle configuration.
- Returns:
The retry cycle value as an integer.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_adaptive_rate_state()
Checks whether adaptive data rate (ADR) is enabled. 1 indicates enabled, 0 indicates disabled.
- Returns:
True if ADR is enabled, otherwise False.
- LoRaWAN_X.set_adaptive_rate_state(state)
Configures the adaptive data rate (ADR) state.
- Parameters:
state (bool) – A boolean indicating whether to enable (True) or disable (False) ADR.
- Returns:
True if the command is successfully set, else False.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_lorawan_node_class()
Retrieves the current LoRaWAN node class.
- Returns:
The LoRaWAN node class as a string.
- LoRaWAN_X.set_lorawan_node_class(node_class)
Sets the LoRaWAN node class.
- Parameters:
node_class (str) – The node class to set, provided as a string
- Returns:
True if the command is successfully set, else False.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_duty_cycle_state()
Checks whether the ETSI duty cycle is enabled. 1 indicates enabled, 0 indicates disabled.
- Returns:
True if the duty cycle is enabled, otherwise False.
- LoRaWAN_X.set_duty_cycle_state(state)
Sets the ETSI duty cycle state, which can be enabled or disabled depending on the region.
- Parameters:
state (bool) – A boolean indicating whether to enable (True) or disable (False) the duty cycle.
- Returns:
The result of the AT command execution.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_data_rate()
Retrieves the current data rate configuration.
- Returns:
The data rate as an integer.
- LoRaWAN_X.set_data_rate(rate)
Sets the data rate for communication.
- Parameters:
rate (int) – The data rate to set, provided as an integer.
- Returns:
The result of the AT command execution.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_join_delay_on_window1()
Retrieves the delay for the join procedure on window 1.
- Returns:
The join delay for window 1 as an integer.
- LoRaWAN_X.set_join_delay_on_window1(delay)
Sets the join delay for window 1.
- Parameters:
delay (int) – The join delay to set for window 1 as an integer.
- Returns:
The result of the AT command execution.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_join_delay_on_window2()
Retrieves the delay for the join procedure on window 2.
- Returns:
The join delay for window 2 as an integer.
- LoRaWAN_X.set_join_delay_on_window2(delay)
Sets the join delay for window 2.
- Parameters:
delay (int) – The join delay to set for window 2 as an integer.
- Returns:
The result of the AT command execution.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_public_network_mode()
Retrieves the public network mode (enabled or disabled).
- Returns:
True if public network mode is enabled, False otherwise.
- LoRaWAN_X.set_public_network_mode(mode)
Sets the public network mode to enabled or disabled.
- Parameters:
mode (bool) – A boolean indicating whether to enable (True) or disable (False) the public network mode.
- Returns:
The result of the AT command execution.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_rx_delay_on_window1()
Retrieves the receive window 1 delay.
- Returns:
The receive window 1 delay as an integer.
- LoRaWAN_X.set_rx_delay_on_window1(delay)
Sets the receive delay for window 1.
- Parameters:
delay (int) – The delay to set for receive window 1 as an integer.
- Returns:
The result of the AT command execution.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_rx_delay_on_window2()
Retrieves the receive window 2 delay.
- Returns:
The receive window 2 delay as an integer.
- LoRaWAN_X.set_rx_delay_on_window2(delay)
Sets the receive delay for window 2.
- Parameters:
delay (int) – The delay to set for receive window 2, with a range of 2 to 16.
- Returns:
The result of the AT command execution.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_rx_data_rate_on_windows2()
Retrieves the receive data rate for window 2.
- Returns:
The receive data rate for window 2 as an integer.
- LoRaWAN_X.set_rx_data_rate_on_windows2(rate)
Sets the receive data rate for window 2.
- Parameters:
rate (int) – The data rate to set for window 2.
- Returns:
The result of the AT command execution.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_rx_frequency_on_windows2()
Retrieves the receive frequency for window 2, based on regional frequency settings.
- Returns:
The receive frequency for window 2 as an integer.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_tx_power()
Retrieves the current transmit power setting.
- Returns:
The transmit power setting as an integer.
- LoRaWAN_X.set_tx_power(power)
Sets the transmit power.
- Parameters:
power (int) – The transmit power to set.
- Returns:
The result of the AT command execution.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_network_link_state()
Retrieves the network link state.
- Returns:
The network link state as a string.
- LoRaWAN_X.set_network_link_state(state)
- Parameters:
state (int) – Sets the network link state for the device. 0 - Disable Link Check 1 - Execute Link Check once on the next payload uplink 2 - Automatically execute Link Check after every payload uplink
- Returns:
The result of the AT command execution.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_listen_before_talk()
Retrieves the Listen Before Talk (LBT) state.
- Returns:
True if LBT is enabled, False if not.
- LoRaWAN_X.set_listen_before_talk(state)
Sets the Listen Before Talk (LBT) state.
- Parameters:
state (bool) – The state to set for LBT (True for enabled, False for disabled).
- Returns:
The result of the AT command execution.
- LoRaWAN_X.set_listen_before_talk_rssi(rssi)
Sets the RSSI threshold for Listen Before Talk (LBT).
- Parameters:
rssi (int) – The RSSI threshold to set for LBT.
- Returns:
The result of the AT command execution.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_listen_before_talk_rssi()
Retrieves the RSSI threshold for Listen Before Talk (LBT).
- Returns:
The RSSI threshold as an integer.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_listen_before_talk_scan_time()
Retrieves the scan time for Listen Before Talk (LBT).
- Returns:
The scan time for LBT as an integer.
- LoRaWAN_X.set_listen_before_talk_scan_time(time)
Sets the scan time for Listen Before Talk (LBT).
- Parameters:
time (int) – The scan time to set for LBT.
- Returns:
The result of the AT command execution.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_time_request()
Retrieves the time request state.
- Returns:
The time request state as an integer.
- LoRaWAN_X.set_time_request(state)
Sets the time request state.
- Parameters:
state (bool) – The state to set for time request (True to enable, False to disable).
- Returns:
The result of the AT command execution.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_location_time()
Retrieves the location time in UTC+0.
- Returns:
The location time in UTC+0 as a string.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_unicast_ping_interval()
Retrieves the unicast ping interval in Class B mode.
- Returns:
The unicast ping interval as an integer.
- LoRaWAN_X.set_unicast_ping_interval(interval)
Sets the unicast ping interval for the device.
- Parameters:
interval (int) – The interval to set for the unicast ping (0 to 7). 0 means approximately every second during the beacon window, and 7 means every 128 seconds (maximum ping period).
- Returns:
The result of the AT command execution.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_beacon_frequency()
Retrieves the beacon frequency.
- Returns:
The beacon frequency as an integer.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_beacon_time()
Retrieves the beacon time.
- Returns:
The beacon time as an integer.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_beacon_gateway_gps()
Retrieves the beacon gateway GPS location.
- Returns:
The beacon gateway GPS information as a string.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_rssi()
Retrieves the Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI).
- Returns:
The RSSI value as a string.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_all_rssi()
Retrieves the RSSI values from all channels.
- Returns:
The RSSI values for all channels as a string.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_signal_noise_ratio()
Retrieves the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR).
- Returns:
The SNR value as a string.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_channel_mask()
Retrieves the channel mask (only for US915, AU915, CN470).
- Returns:
The channel mask as a string.
- LoRaWAN_X.set_channel_mask(mask)
Sets the channel mask to open or close specific channels (only for US915, AU915, CN470).
- Parameters:
mask (str) – The channel mask as a 4-length hexadecimal string.
- Returns:
The result of the AT command execution.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_eight_channel_mode_state()
Retrieves the state of the eight-channel mode.
- Returns:
The state of the eight-channel mode as a string.
- LoRaWAN_X.set_eight_channel_mode_state(max_group)
Sets the state of the eight-channel mode, with a group number between 1 and 12.
- Parameters:
max_group (int) – The maximum group number (1 to 12).
- Returns:
True if the AT command execution is successful, False otherwise.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_single_channel_mode()
Retrieves the single channel mode.
- Returns:
The single channel mode as a string.
- LoRaWAN_X.set_single_channel_mode()
Sets the single channel mode.
- Returns:
The result of the AT command execution.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_active_region()
Retrieves the active region for the device.
- Returns:
The active region as a string.
- LoRaWAN_X.set_active_region(region)
- Parameters:
region (int) – Sets the active region for the device.
- Returns:
The result of the AT command execution.
: 0CN470
: 1RU864
: 2IN865
: 3EU868
: 4US915
: 5AU915,
: 6KR920,
: 7AS923-1
: 8AS923-2
: 9AS923-3
: 10AS923-4
: 11LA915
: 12
- LoRaWAN_X.add_multicast_group(Class, DevAddr, NwkSKey, AppSKey, Frequency, Datarate, Periodicit)
Adds a multicast group to the device.
- Parameters:
Class (str) – The class of the multicast group.
DevAddr – The device address.
NwkSKey – The network session key.
AppSKey – The application session key.
Frequency – The frequency for the multicast group.
Datarate – The datarate for the multicast group.
Periodicit – The periodicity for the multicast group.
- Returns:
The result of the AT command execution.
- LoRaWAN_X.remove_multicast_group(DevAddr)
Removes a multicast group by the given device address.
- Parameters:
DevAddr – The device address of the multicast group to remove.
- Returns:
The result of the AT command execution.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_multicast_list()
Retrieves the list of multicast groups.
- Returns:
The list of multicast groups as a string.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_network_mode()
Retrieves the current network mode.
- Returns:
The current network mode as an integer
: 0LoRaWAN
: 1P2P_FSK
: 2
- LoRaWAN_X.set_network_mode(mode)
Sets the network mode for the device.
- Parameters:
mode (int) –
The mode to set for the get_network_id.
: 0LoRaWAN
: 1P2P_FSK
: 2
- Returns:
The result of the AT command execution.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_p2p_frequency()
Retrieves the current P2P frequency.
- Returns:
The current P2P frequency as an integer.
- LoRaWAN_X.set_p2p_frequency(frequency)
Sets the P2P frequency for the device.
- Parameters:
frequency (int) –
The frequency to set for P2P communication.
: 150000000-525000000High-frequency
: 525000000-960000000
- Returns:
The result of the AT command execution.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_p2p_spreading_factor()
Retrieves the current P2P spreading factor.
- Returns:
The current P2P spreading factor as an integer.
- LoRaWAN_X.set_p2p_spreading_factor(spreading_factor)
Sets the P2P spreading factor.
- Parameters:
spreading_factor (int) – The spreading factor to set for P2P communication. The default value is 7, and the range is 5 to 12.
- Returns:
The result of the AT command execution.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_p2p_bandwidth()
Retrieves the current P2P bandwidth.
- Returns:
The current P2P bandwidth as an integer.
- LoRaWAN_X.set_p2p_bandwidth(bandwidth)
- Parameters:
bandwidth (int)
- Returns:
The result of the AT command execution.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_p2p_code_rate()
Retrieves the current P2P code rate.
- Returns:
The current P2P code rate as an integer.
- LoRaWAN_X.set_p2p_code_rate(code_rate)
Sets the P2P code rate.
- Parameters:
code_rate (int) – The code rate to set for P2P communication. Default is 0, range is 0 to 3. 0 = 4/5, 1 = 4/6, 2 = 4/7, 3 = 4/8.
- Returns:
The result of the AT command execution.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_p2p_preamble_length()
Retrieves the current P2P preamble length.
- Returns:
The current P2P preamble length as an integer.
- LoRaWAN_X.set_p2p_preamble_length(length)
Sets the P2P preamble length.
- Parameters:
length (int) – The preamble length to set for P2P communication. Default is 8, range is 5 to 65535.
- Returns:
The result of the AT command execution.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_p2p_tx_power()
Retrieves the current P2P transmission power.
- Returns:
The current P2P transmission power as an integer.
- LoRaWAN_X.set_p2p_tx_power(power)
Sets the P2P transmission power.
- Parameters:
power (int) – The transmission power to set for P2P communication. Default is 14 dBm, range is 5 to 22 dBm.
- Returns:
The result of the AT command execution.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_p2p_fsk_bitrate()
Retrieves the current P2P FSK bitrate.
- Returns:
The current P2P FSK bitrate as an integer.
- LoRaWAN_X.set_p2p_fsk_bitrate(bitrate)
Sets the P2P FSK bitrate.
- Parameters:
bitrate (int) – The bitrate to set for P2P FSK communication. The range is 600 to 300000 b/s.
- Returns:
The result of the AT command execution.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_p2p_fsk_frequency_deviation()
Retrieves the current P2P FSK frequency deviation.
- Returns:
The current P2P FSK frequency deviation as an integer.
- LoRaWAN_X.set_p2p_fsk_frequency_deviation(deviation)
Sets the P2P FSK frequency deviation.
- Parameters:
deviation (int) – The frequency deviation to set for P2P FSK communication. The range is 600 to 200000 Hz.
- Returns:
The result of the AT command execution.
- LoRaWAN_X.send_p2p_data(payload, timeout, to_hex=False)
Sends P2P data with a given payload.
- Parameters:
payload (str) – The payload to send, 2 to 500 characters in length, must be an even number of characters composed of 0-9, a-f, A-F, representing 1 to 256 hexadecimal values.
timeout (int) – The timeout for the data transmission, default is 1000 ms.
to_hex (bool) – A boolean indicating whether to convert the payload to hexadecimal format.
- Returns:
True if the data was sent successfully (“TXFSK DONE” or “TXP2P DONE”), False otherwise.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_p2p_channel_activity()
Get the current channel activity status in P2P mode.
- Returns:
The channel activity status as an integer (0 or 1).
- LoRaWAN_X.set_p2p_channel_activity(state)
Enable or disable channel activity in P2P mode.
- Parameters:
state (bool) – 0 to disable, 1 to enable channel activity.
- Returns:
The response from the command execution.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_p2p_receive_data(timeout=500, to_str=False)
- Parameters:
- Returns:
A tuple (RSSI, SNR, Payload) if data is received; False if no data is received.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_p2p_encryption_state()
Get the current encryption state in P2P mode.
- Returns:
The encryption state as an integer (0 or 1).
- LoRaWAN_X.set_p2p_encryption_state(state)
Enable or disable encryption in P2P mode.
- Parameters:
state (bool) – 0 to disable, 1 to enable encryption.
- Returns:
The response from the command execution.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_p2p_encryption_key()
Get the current encryption key in P2P mode.
- Returns:
The encryption key as a string.
- LoRaWAN_X.set_p2p_encryption_key(key)
Set the encryption key in P2P mode.
- Parameters:
key (str) – The encryption key, represented as a 16-character hexadecimal string.
- Returns:
The response from the command execution.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_p2p_crypt_state()
Get the current cryptographic state in P2P mode (not supported on RAK3172).
- Returns:
The cryptographic state as an integer (0 or 1).
- LoRaWAN_X.set_p2p_crypt_state(state)
Enable or disable cryptographic state in P2P mode (not supported on RAK3172).
- Parameters:
state (bool) – 0 to disable, 1 to enable cryptographic state.
- Returns:
The response from the command execution.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_p2p_crypt_key()
Get the cryptographic key in P2P mode (not supported on RAK3172).
- Returns:
The cryptographic key as a string.
- LoRaWAN_X.set_p2p_crypt_key(key)
Set the cryptographic key in P2P mode (not supported on RAK3172).
- Parameters:
key – The cryptographic key, represented as an 8-character hexadecimal string.
- Returns:
The response from the command execution.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_p2p_encryption_iv()
Get the encryption IV in P2P mode.
- Returns:
The encryption IV as a string.
- LoRaWAN_X.set_p2p_encryption_iv(iv)
Set the encryption IV in P2P mode.
- Parameters:
iv (str) – The encryption IV, represented as an 8-character hexadecimal string.
- Returns:
The response from the command execution.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_p2p_parameters()
Get the current P2P parameters.
- Returns:
The current P2P parameters as a string.
- LoRaWAN_X.set_p2p_parameters(frequency, spreading_factor, bandwidth, code_rate, preamble_length, tx_power)
Set P2P LoRa parameters, including frequency, spreading factor, bandwidth, code rate, preamble length, and transmit power.
- Parameters:
frequency (int) – The frequency to use for communication, range 150000000-960000000.
spreading_factor (int) – The spreading factor, which can be {6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12}.
bandwidth (int) – The bandwidth, which can be {125, 250, 500}.
code_rate (int) – The code rate, where possible values are {4/5=0, 4/6=1, 4/7=2, 4/8=3}.
preamble_length (int) – The length of the preamble, which can be from 2 to 65535.
tx_power (int) – The transmit power, which can be in the range {5-22}.
- Returns:
The response from the command execution.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_p2p_iq_inversion()
Get the current IQ inversion state in P2P mode.
- Returns:
The IQ inversion state as an integer (0 or 1).
- LoRaWAN_X.set_p2p_iq_inversion(state)
Enable or disable IQ inversion in P2P mode.
- Parameters:
state (bool) – 0 to disable, 1 to enable IQ inversion.
- Returns:
The response from the command execution.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_p2p_sync_word()
Get the current sync word in P2P mode.
- Returns:
The sync word as a string.
- LoRaWAN_X.set_p2p_sync_word(sync_word)
Set the sync word in P2P mode.
- Parameters:
sync_word (int) – The sync word value, which should be in the range of 0x0000 to 0xFFFF.
- Returns:
The response from the command execution.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_p2p_symbol_timeout()
Get the current symbol timeout in P2P mode.
- Returns:
The symbol timeout as an integer.
- LoRaWAN_X.set_p2p_symbol_timeout(timeout)
Set the symbol timeout in P2P mode.
- Parameters:
timeout (bool) – The timeout value, which should be in the range of 0-248.
- Returns:
The response from the command execution.
- LoRaWAN_X.get_p2p_fix_length_payload_state()
Get the current fixed length payload state in P2P mode.
- Returns:
The fixed length payload state as an integer (0 or 1).