Encoder8 Unit
UNIT 8Encoder is a set of 8 rotary encoders as one of the input unit, the internal use of STM32 single-chip microcomputer as the acquisition and communication processor, and the host computer using I2C communication interface, each rotary encoder corresponds to 1 RGB LED light, encoder in addition to left and right rotation, but also radially pressed, in addition to a physical toggle switch and its corresponding RGB LED light, including 5V->3V3 DCDC circuit.
Support the following products:
Micropython Example:
1# SPDX-FileCopyrightText: 2024 M5Stack Technology CO LTD 2# 3# SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT 4 5import os, sys, io 6import M5 7from M5 import * 8from hardware import * 9from unit import Encoder8Unit 10 11 12label0 = None 13title0 = None 14label1 = None 15label2 = None 16i2c0 = None 17encoder8_0 = None 18 19 20def setup(): 21 global label0, title0, label1, label2, i2c0, encoder8_0 22 23 M5.begin() 24 Widgets.fillScreen(0x222222) 25 label0 = Widgets.Label("label0", 2, 72, 1.0, 0xFFFFFF, 0x222222, Widgets.FONTS.DejaVu18) 26 title0 = Widgets.Title( 27 "8EncoderUnit CoreS3 Example", 3, 0xFFFFFF, 0x0000FF, Widgets.FONTS.DejaVu18 28 ) 29 label1 = Widgets.Label("label1", 2, 116, 1.0, 0xFFFFFF, 0x222222, Widgets.FONTS.DejaVu18) 30 label2 = Widgets.Label("label2", 2, 161, 1.0, 0xFFFFFF, 0x222222, Widgets.FONTS.DejaVu18) 31 32 i2c0 = I2C(0, scl=Pin(1), sda=Pin(2), freq=100000) 33 encoder8_0 = Encoder8Unit(i2c0, 0x41) 34 encoder8_0.set_led_rgb_from(1, 8, 0x33FF33) 35 encoder8_0.set_counter_value(1, 0) 36 37 38def loop(): 39 global label0, title0, label1, label2, i2c0, encoder8_0 40 M5.update() 41 label0.setText(str((str("CH1 Counter Value:") + str((encoder8_0.get_counter_value(1)))))) 42 label1.setText(str((str("CH1 Button State:") + str((encoder8_0.get_button_status(1)))))) 43 label2.setText(str((str("Switch State:") + str((encoder8_0.get_switch_status()))))) 44 45 46if __name__ == "__main__": 47 try: 48 setup() 49 while True: 50 loop() 51 except (Exception, KeyboardInterrupt) as e: 52 try: 53 from utility import print_error_msg 54 55 print_error_msg(e) 56 except ImportError: 57 print("please update to latest firmware")
UIFLOW2 Example:
class Encoder8Unit
- class Encoder8Unit(i2c, slave_addr, address)
Initialize the Encoder8 Unit with the specified I2C interface and address.
- Parameters:
- Encoder8Unit.init_i2c_address(slave_addr)
Set or change the I2C address of the Encoder8 Unit.
- Parameters:
slave_addr (int) – The new I2C address to set.
- Encoder8Unit.available()
Check if the Encoder8 Unit is connected on the I2C bus.
- Encoder8Unit.get_counter_value(channel)
Get the current counter value of the specified channel.
- Parameters:
channel (int) – The encoder channel (1-8). Default is 1.
- Returns:
The current counter value as an integer.
- Encoder8Unit.set_counter_value(channel, value)
Set the counter value for the specified channel.
- Parameters:
- Encoder8Unit.get_increment_value(channel)
Get the incremental value of the specified channel.
- Parameters:
channel (int) – The encoder channel (1-8). Default is 1.
- Returns:
The incremental value as an integer.
- Encoder8Unit.reset_counter_value(channel)
Reset the counter value for the specified channel.
- Parameters:
channel (int) – The encoder channel (1-8). Default is 1.
- Encoder8Unit.get_button_status(channel)
Get the button status for the specified channel.
- Parameters:
channel (int) – The encoder channel (1-8). Default is 1.
- Returns:
True if the button is pressed, False otherwise.
- Encoder8Unit.get_switch_status()
Get the status of the global switch.
- Returns:
True if the switch is on, False otherwise.
- Encoder8Unit.set_led_rgb(channel, rgb)
Set the RGB color of the specified channel's LED.
- Parameters:
- Encoder8Unit.set_led_rgb_from(begin, end, rgb)
Set the RGB color for a range of channels' LEDs.
- Parameters:
- Encoder8Unit.get_device_status(mode)
Get the device firmware version or I2C address.
- Parameters:
mode (int) – The mode to read. 0xFE for firmware version, 0xFF for I2C address. Default is 0xFE.
- Returns:
The value read from the specified mode register.
- Encoder8Unit.set_i2c_address(addr)
Set a new I2C address for the device.
- Parameters:
addr (int) – The new I2C address. Default is 0x41.
- Encoder8Unit.read_reg_data(reg, num)
Read data from a specified register.
- Encoder8Unit.write_reg_data(reg, byte_lst)
Write data to a specified register.
- Parameters:
reg – The register address to write to.
byte_lst – A list of bytes to write to the register.
- Encoder8Unit.deinit()
Deinitialize the Encoder8 Unit instance.